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Direction Changes

Corners and direction changes are made easy by the introduction of corner extrusions such as the 90 degree corner extrusion, 3 way uprights (T Section) and 4 way uprights which attach to the system using standard connectors.

Product information

90 degree corners enable flat wall to be turned onto L, U or full room enclosures, the T section uprights allow a continuous wall to have a direction change mid run, while the 4 way extrusion allows you to create a cross shape.

The corner uprights allow external graphics to be fitted in 3 ways: Full wrap (graphic will wrap around the whole upright), Half wrap (Graphic will finish in centre) or No wrap (leaving the corner exposed).

For more information, please click here to see the product details including technical specifications.

Lightweight yet robust

Fastest build times

Easy build

Ready to use

Lightweight yet robust

Fastest build times

Easy build

Ready to use

For more information on the best solution for you please speak to our team by clicking on the enquiry button below and we will be more than happy to help.

Product details

Standard modules are based on 245mm, 490mm, 735mm, 980mm, 1225mm and 1470mm and in any of these configurations.

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